[Spamprobe-users] Supplementing spamprobe with DNS tests
2007-09-27 06:35:19 UTC
I have updated my SpamTestBuddy software, which I designed to use in
conjunction with SpamProbe.


It runs out of procmail. Basically it starts with the score from SpamProbe,
and then modifies the score slightly using results of DNS based tests.
Hopefully this reduces both false positives and false negatives. This
example configuration describes using SpamTestBuddy with Spamprobe:


The test format has been enhanced to include custom weighted scores for
finer tuning, so this is much more like SpamAssassin now (lighter weight
though). I have been getting fantastic results for over a year using this
with SpamProbe, I encourage others to try it.

To run you through an example with the above configuration:

1. Let's say a message starts with SpamProbe score of 0.50 (unsure)

2. DNS problems detected with sender, so score is boosted +0.2 = 0.70

3. Sender found on ZEN blocklist, score boosted +0.3 = 1.00

Now it's definitely spam. Just an example, all the values are configurable
depending on how much you are willing to modify the original score.

- Jem Berkes
