[Spamprobe-users] more raving about greylisting
2007-10-29 21:01:05 UTC
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Total server bandwidth usage since January first.

That spike starts when I disabled greylisting, and ends five days after I
turned it back on.

(Yes, the unit of bandwidth really is gigabytes per month (overall, for the
whole server, including web serving). It's the unit in which my quota is

Also, ntop monitors bandwidth by port and is in the ubuntu archives and is
cool. Next time it shouldn't be as hard to figure out a sudden change in
my bandwidth usage.
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Chris Ross
2007-10-29 22:59:12 UTC
Post by D***@ChaosReigns.com
Total server bandwidth usage since January first.
That spike starts when I disabled greylisting, and ends five days after I
turned it back on.
(Yes, the unit of bandwidth really is gigabytes per month (overall, for the
whole server, including web serving). It's the unit in which my quota is
Cool. I've just installed milter-greylist on my sendmail mail
server at home. Sadly, it keeps "going away". (every day or two, it
will just no longer be running) I have to debug it. Grr...

Oh well. "If it was easy everyone would be doing it," right?
Thanks much for the useful information!

- Chris
2007-10-30 00:24:45 UTC
Looking at this again, I wonder. Do you have any thoughts as to
why the spike has such a gradual up-slope? I would think if you just
refused to accept email from spammers, a la greylisting, it would be
more distinct than that.
Yes, based on this experience and discussion with a friend with a similar
experience it is very clear to me that spammers record who refuses to
accept mail from them.

The gradual increase was a result of the amount of time they each took to
retry me after I disabled greylisting.

And the fact that it was still very much going up when I re-enabled
greylisting indicates to me that there was much more spam to come.
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